Well, it's taken a while but I have finally got around to making my blog. I'm hoping this is going to be the cyber equivalent of an inspiration scrapbook for myself as well as something other people may stumble across and take pleasure from. So I guess there there is no better place to start than with a few images of things that float my boat...
Firstly, I am truly obsessed with fashion magazine and books. There are few things better than getting your grubby mitts on a new copy of Lula, finding a quiet spot and delving into the deliciously crisp pages of sartorial treats.
Oooh, they're pretty! Anything pink is fine by me. Anything that smells good is equally fine. And of course, it goes without saying that anything that comes out of Luella or Diptyque is more than fine.
Shoes! I'm definitely a shoe girl. Through and through. Of course, there is a huuuge space for bags in my life, but there is just something about a shoe that makes me go weak at the knees.
So there is a little bit about me to begin with.
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